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Easy Classic Meat Pie Recipe

Easy Classic Meat Pie Recipe

This meat pie recipe is a delicious pastries filled with minced meat, potato and carrots. The pastry is slightly flaky and very rich in flavor, the filling is moist and very flavorful. These meat pies are popular in Louisiana. If you haven’t tasted the this meat pie you must try this recipe As soon as possible , they are the ultimate comfort food!

The secret to the meat pie dough (flaky, crunchy yet soft and succulent) The secret is vinegar and egg yolk.

The vinegar acidity helps in breaking down some of the gluten chain to prevent tough dough and the egg makes the dough more malleable.

Ingredients (For the meat pie dough)

  • 1kg flour
  • 500g butter (Margarine)
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 Tablespoon white vinegar
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • Ice cold water (with ice block cubes)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 extra egg to egg washes (mix in a bowl)

Meat Pie Dough Procedure

Try your best for the dough to be cool from start to finish (very important).

Mix vinegar and egg yolk together and set aside in the fridge. Or add to the dough directly since you have cold water.

If possible refrigerate flour ahead of time to be cool.

Your margarine should be frozen as well and diced into little cubes.

Pour your flour in a deep bowl and mix with salt and baking powder.

Mix in the margarine into the flour until you get a flaky mix ( its okay if you see little parts of unmixed margarine. In fact thats what gives the pie a flaky texture as the very little bits of margarine burst while baking)

Add the vinegar and egg mix and mix in

Add the ice cold water bit by bit while mixing. Until you see the mixture coming together. Use your fingers to check as you mix to avoid adding too much water and end up with a soggy dough. The dough should be soft and moldable not a strong mold. If you are going to be using any arm force to roll out the dough, then its too hard.

Quickly move mixture to a work table or slab and mold very fast with your hands to ensure the warmth of your hands does not warm the dough. It must remain cold.( you don’t need much molding at this stage

(Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the fridge to chill for 20 mins.

Remove dough from fridge after 20 mins and roll out with a rolling pin once (the dough does not need to be overworked) then wrap and return back to fridge for 5 mins to cool. After 5 mins remove from fridge and use a rolling pin to roll out the dough and start your cutting with a meat pie cutter.

Meat pie filling


  • Minced meat
  • Irish potato (diced)
  • Thyme
  • Curry
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Carrot (diced)
  • White pepper (powder)
  • Yellow pepper (chopped)


Used little olive oil to fry sliced onions until partially soft, then added the minced meat and combined well, added the diced carrot and irish potatoes with thyme, white pepper and seasoning with yellow pepper, stir and add more water and allowed to cook for 4minutes. Then mixed little flour in water and added it to the mixture to thicken it.

Note: the filling must be completely cold and not hot or warm when adding to the dough.

Enjoy your delicious meat pie


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